This project aims to allow users to observe the spread and cure of a certain virus through visual changes, as well as to see and compare the effectiveness of various social controls on preventing the spread of the disease. Users can start the spread of a disease with a simple tap of a button.
The color blue means the individual is currently in good health, purple means the individual is vaccinated and healthy, yellow means the individual is infected with the virus but shows no symptoms, and red means the individual is infected and shows disease characteristics. The last two will spread to the ones around them. In addition, the gray color indicates that the individual has died from the disease.
The percentage shown above each individual is the probability of infection, which varies depending on the number of infections and whether the individual has been vaccinated.
Several presets have been included in the project to allow the user to observe the different rates of virus transmission in different social settings, as well as mortality rates.
This project is a remake of my project for the WWDC Swift Student Challenge in 2020. Since the original project no longer works properly for various reasons, and because of the launch of the new Swift Playgrounds on the iPad, I decided to rewrite this project using the new swiftpm
Currently, the core functionality of this project has been implemented, but the introduction to disease transmission concepts section is still under development (e.g., basic transmission constants). I am currently designing illustrations for showcasing these concepts and hope to make this project more complete soon.
Another unfinished part is the personalization of virus attributes as well as individual behaviors (e.g., whether or not to self-isolate), thus allowing users to observe more transmission phenomena.
If you have any suggestions for this project, please feel free to make any suggestions you may have. Thank you.