
Primary LanguageJavaScript

GitHub Collaboration

  1. Getting Started
    • Fork & Clone Project
    • In cloned directory excute these command:
      • npm install

      • git remote add main https://github.com/JennMP88/blessings

  2. Building
    • NEVER work on master branch
      • DO: git checkout -b 'task_branch'
  3. Contributing: When you've finished working on your branch
    • Make sure you've saved and commited all work
    • git checkout master
    • git pull main master
    • git checkout 'task_branch'
    • git merge master
    • Resolve any conflicts
    • Test App
    • If App tests out OK:
      • git push -u origin 'task_branch'

    • Pull request your 'task_branch' to main project repo
      • Add code reviewers from project collaborators list