
Miscellaneous tools for creating React applications with Python using the Transcrypt transpiler

Primary LanguagePython

PyReact Tools

Converts a JSX fragment to a Python function equivalent

When copying JSX example code from somewhere to use in my React Python projects, I got tired of having to manually convert JSX code to Python functions with dictionary attributes and having to manually quote everything. So I created this function that will (mostly) do it for me.

For example, this JSX code:

<div id="root"><Button radius="md" size="lg" compact uppercase>Settings</Button></div>

will get converted to this Python code:

Div({'id': 'root'},
    Button({'radius': 'md', 'size': 'lg', 'compact': True, 'uppercase': True}, "Settings")


pip install git+https://github.com/JennaSys/pyreact-tools


usage: jsxtopy [-h] [-v] [-d] [--test] [--dev] [jsx]

Converts a JSX fragment to a Python function equivalent

positional arguments:
  jsx            JSX string to convert (If not supplied, will try to use what is in clipboard)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose  Print original JSX and Python result to console
  -d, --dict     Create props as dict function instead of dict literal
  --test         Run JSX unit tests
  --dev          Run JSX development test
