Welcome to CodeSwitch

See a demo here

Code JavaScript in a language you are more comfortable with! Currently, Spanish and French are supported. Features include an online IDE with a console, the ability to translate your code to English, and a way to download your files after you are done!

🥇 Second Place at Hackathon

Was submitted to Hack the Woodz Hackathon and won Second Place Web Dev Prize! Find out more here

📝 Technologies Used


🍎 Get It Started

Install the dependencies using npm

npm install

Start the local development server

npm start

Create and activate the virtual enviornment

cd flask-server
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Run the backend server

python3 server.py

Use the French keywords and functions below and get coding! (Spanish is supported, but keywords/functions have not been updated on the ReadMe yet)

JavaScript Keywords

French English
abstrait abstract
attend await
booléen, boolean boolean
brise break
octet byte
cas case
reprend catch
poursuit continue
debogue, débogue debugger
defaut, défaut default
supprime delete
effectue do
sinon else
faux false
enfin finally
flottant float
pour for
fonction function
si if
dans in
instancede instanceof
laisse let
nouveau new
nul null
paquet package
prive, privé private
protege, protegé, protégé protected
retourne return
statique static
change switch
celui this
lance throw
vrai true
essaie try
typede typeof
vide void
tant while
avec with
cede, cède yield
classe class
énum enum
exporte export
étend, etend extends
importe import

JavaScript Built-in Functions

French English
charIndex charAt
charCodeIndex charCodeAt
enchaîne, enchaine concat
chaque every
filtre filter
pourChacun forEach
indexDe indexOf
joint join
dernierIndexDe lastIndexOf
longeur length
caractérise, caracterise map
compare match
enlève, enleve pop
ajoute push
réduit, reduit reduce
réduitDroit, reduitDroit reduceRight
remplace replace
renverse reverse
cherche search
déplace, deplace shift
coupe slice
quelques some
trie sort
sépare, separe split
enMiniscule toLowerCase
enMajuscule toUpperCase
valeurDe valueOf