
Adding an object to the gazebo controlled world

Closed this issue · 3 comments

How do we add, say a sphere to the world, so while running roslaunch jaco_gazebocontrolled.launch, this sphere shows up. I tried modifying the default world in the jaco_gazebo_controlled.launch file, but this doesn't work and throws up some errors. Thanks!

You spawn a model from the launch file, e.g.

<node name="spawn_my_robot" pkg="gazebo_ros" type="spawn_model" args="-file $(find your-package)/urdf/YOUR-MODEL.urdf -urdf -model NAME-OF-YOUR-MODEL" />

Or you could use another world file in which you have your model. Is that what you did? Which errors were they?

Fixed by going to jaco_on_table.launch and changing default value to /

You could also try

roslaunch jaco_on_table_gazebo_controlled.launch gazebo_world_file:=<path-to-your-worldfile>
