
This program calculates hamming distance and similarity scores for sample DNA sequences classed as human, mouse, or unknown. Determine the unknown species based on its hamming distance and similarity scores.

Primary LanguageC++


This program calculates Hamming distance and similarity scores for sample DNA sequences from a human, a mouse, and an unknown species to determine the identity of the unknown species.

This was a great intro CPP project because it built on prior Python projects within the course, and it enabled the ability to whet the biometrics appetite!

Project Focus:

This program built proficiency in:

  • Read in command-line arguments
  • Read in data from files
  • Loop through strings

Running the Program:

The program takes three command-line arguments, in the following order: mouseDNA_filename humanDNA_filename unknownDNA_filename

For example, from terminal:

🐅 Active Line: g++ DNA.cpp
🐅 Active Line: ./a.out mouseDNA1.txt humanDNA1.txt unknownDNA1.txt 

Expected output should be something like this:

MouseCompare: 0.958333
HumanCompare: 0.833333

Additional Details:

For further reading, please check out the source document.