First Software that allows to stream multiple DJI Goggles!
Just run the Software and plug in all your DJI Goggles in the available USB Ports of your Computer!
Made by Racers for Racers! ;)
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🍴 Prerequisites
The following open source packages are used in this project:
- ffmpeg
📖 Table of Contents
- 1. Download or clone this Repo and unzip it
- 2. Install ffmpeg
- 3. Use
- 4. Software Behavior
- 5. OBS
- 6. Yargs
- 7. License
Let's Go!
1. Download Binary
2. Install
Download Essentials from here:
Unzip it and move it to your favourite program folder.
Add System Path Variable:
For example:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\your\path\to\ffmpeg\folder
Install LibUSB Driver
Install ffmpeg with following code:
sudo apt install ffmpeg
sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0
3. Use
- Run the .exe
- Go to folder where the Di-Stream binary is
- Run the binary
*For example:
4. Software Behavior
Di-Stream Software will start a Node process for each goggles. The Goggles can be found at:
First Goggles has Port 1230
Second Goggles has Port 1231 ect...
The Di-Stream Software will automaticly search for new Goggles and will open a UDP Stream on the next free Port. Available Ports are:
1230 - 1237 8 Goggles!
If a Goggles accidently disconnects, the Goggles will get the same Port when resumed pluged in.
Custom Ports can be createt in the StreamProcess.js file
5. OBS
In OBS add new Media device and uncheck de only local Media Box.
Now put your goggles adress in the input section and you are ready to go.
6. Yargs
Following Commands can be used:
--version Version anzeigen [boolean]
-p, --port sets the starting Port (default: 1230) [string]
-a, --address sets the base address (default: [boolean]
-s, --readsize readsize (default: 512) [Zahl]
-q, --queuesize queuesize (default: 3) [Zahl]
-v, --verbose shows debug log [boolean]
-h, --help Hilfe anzeigen [boolean]
For example:
./di-stream-linux --port 1000
7. License
Content is released under CC-BY-4.0. See notices for complete details, including attribution guidelines, contribution terms, and software and third-party licenses and permissions.
8. Contributors
This README was generated with