This is a simple PHP library to (reverse-)geocode addresses with the Nominatim API.
Legal Note: This library uses the Nominatim API. Please read the Terms of Use before using it and comply with them.
Data from OpenStreetMap is licensed under ODbL.
This library uses the Curl-Adapter library to send requests to the Nominatim API.
The Curl-Adapter library is licensed under the MIT License. (c) 2023 Jens Ostertag
To install this library, include it in your project using composer:
"require": {
"jensostertag/geocoding-util": "1.0.0"
Geocode an address to coordinates
The following example shows how to geocode an address to coordinates:
use jensostertag\Geocoding\Geocoding;
$geocoding = new Geocoding();
$coordinates = $geocoding->getCoordinates();
$lat = $coordinates["latitude"];
$lng = $coordinates["longitude"];
The above example will return the following coordinates:
"latitude": 48.4253584,
"longitude": 9.956179
Reverse-geocode coordinates to an address
The following example shows how to reverse-geocode coordinates to an address:
use jensostertag\Geocoding\Geocoding;
$geocoding = new Geocoding();
$geocoding->setCoordinates(48.4253584, 9.956179)
$address = $geocoding->getAddress();
$street = $address["street"];
$houseNumber = $address["houseNumber"];
$city = $address["city"];
$zipCode = $address["zipCode"];
$country = $address["country"];
$formattedAddress = $geocoding->getFormattedAddress();
The above example will return the following address:
"street": "James-Franck-Ring",
"houseNumber": null,
"city": "Ulm",
"zipCode": "89081",
"country": "Deutschland"
The formatted address will also be an array with two formatting options, inline and with \n
line breaks:
"inline": "James-Franck-Ring, 89081 Ulm, Deutschland (DE)",
"lineBreaks": "James-Franck-Ring\n89081 Ulm\nDeutschland (DE)"
Setting a custom user agent
You might want to set a custom user agent for your requests towards the Nominatim API to identify your application. To do that, use
use jensostertag\Geocoding\Geocoding;
If you do not set a custom user agent, the default will be
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0
Setting a custom Nominatim API URL
The public Nominatim API is very limited in the amount of requests you can send. If you want to use your own Nominatim API instance, you can set a custom URL for the API. To do that, use
use jensostertag\Geocoding\Geocoding;