JaVuls is a large culmination of penetration and network analysis tools put together in GUI form. These are some of the things that I use very often within my (limited) pentesting career. This was really a final project for a Java GUIs class but I have continued to try and update it to the best of my ability when I have time adding more and more tools as I go. I hope you all find this tool useful and if not that then at least a little cool.
You will need JRE version 10.0.2 or later (JavaFX discontinued in java 11 so you will need a version of java 10 that is 10.0.2 or newer) for this application to work. You can compile your own .jar file with the source code provided or just use the .jar file within the repo. It should be relativly updated and working whenever large changes occur.
$ java -jar JaVuls.jar
This will run the GUI from the runner class but you can also compile it to run from the JFX class as well. I use the Runner class not only for testing purposes but it also just helps me stay organized so the .jar file will always start with the Runner.java file.
IP Scanner
Port Scanner
Architecture Detection
Public IP Checker
Slow Loris Attack (In Development)
System OS Report
Shortcuts (windows) -Open Console -Open File Explorer
HTTP Server
AES Encryption/Decryption
MD5 Brute Force
This project was not done alone. Many of the applications have been borrowed and culminated into this singular project. All of them before hand were not in GUI form and have gone through some alterations to work within this project. Credit is where credit is due and I will add contributers here along with their githgub projet if available! Thank you so much it would not be posssible without you! :)
Linux Ping Tool- Crunchify.com
Public IP Lookup- http://bot.whatismyipaddress.com
HTTP Server Tool- Amichai Rothman http://www.freeutils.net/source/jlhttp/
Encryption Tool- https://www.jackrutorial.com/2018/07/how-to-encrypt-and-decrypt-files-in-java10.html