Primary LanguagePython


BASS: A Blockchain-Based Asynchronous SignSGD Architecture for Efficient and Secure Federated Learning


How to install this project on your operating system.


  • Ubuntu 22.04

  • Python 3.10.6

  • The BASS project should be cloned into the home directory, like ~/BASS.

Install dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


How to start & stop this project.

The parameters for the training are at ./BASS/federated-learning/utils/options.py

cd federated-learning/
rm -f result-*
python3 fed_bass.py
# Or start in background
nohup python3 -u fed_bass.py > fed_bass.log 2>&1 &

Comparative Experiments

The comparative experiments include (under BEFS/federated-learning/ directory):

fed_bass.py  # BASS
fed_avg.py  # FedAvg
fed_ecsign.py  # EC-signSGD
fed_efsign.py  # EF-signSGD
fed_err.py  # ERR-FedAvg
fed_lfr.py  # LFR-FedAvg
fed_mvsign.py  # MV-signSGD
fed_rlrsign.py  # RLR-signSGD
fed_fleam.py  # FLEAM
fed_trust.py  # FLTrust
local_train.py  # Local