
Monitors mailboxes over IMAP and sends an email alert over SMTP

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


GitHub Repo DockerHub Repo

Monitors mailboxes over IMAP and sends an email alert over SMTP. Checks the mailbox for unread messages. In case there are any and no alert was sent for them, a new alert is sent. An unique ID for each message is saved in data/alerted.pickle. This way the app only notifies you once.

How to use

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Copy config/config.template.yaml to config/config.yaml
  3. Complete the config file
  4. Start main.py

Using Docker

  1. Pull or build the docker container
  2. Copy config/config.template.yaml to your pc
  3. Complete the config file
  4. Mount this file as volume in the docker container to /app/config/config.yaml
  5. (Optionally) Mount a folder to /app/data. This folder stores the alerts which have been sent in the past.
  6. Start the image