
Discord webhook bot posting messages on Github events | hot-loadable formatting templates; string interpolation in templates for arbitrary JSON bodies

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Pulse status badge, with a link to the Discord channel. If this text is visible Pulse is sleeping.

A work in progress information bot linking Discord and Github

  • HMAC event authentication 🔐: filter Github webhook POST events, and authenticate with hotloadable HMAC's per event type
  • Discord message posting with templates 📟: format messages with hotloadable templates, per event type, and post to hotloadable Discord webhook endpoints
  • Message template interpolation: automatically fill template from POST JSON bodies, fully hotloadable
  • Template selection logic hotloadable template selection depending on values in Github POST body JSON data
  • Hotloadable configuration 🔥: ssl keys, ports, multiple Discord webhooks endpoints, Github HMAC's, event templates, template selection logic.

Screenshot from 2024-01-06 14-21-18

  • recieves POST requests (e.g. from github webhooks) to be processed into custom messages, which are then POST'd to Discord
    • so we can format the Github POST content to our hearts content


  • support for HTTPS POST receipts (HTTP as a cargo build option)
  • verify POST's are from github using the webhook secret
  • starred formatting
  • hot loading of formatting templates, webhook endpoints, and github HMACs
  • template interpolation, with interpolation data extracted from POST bodies.
  • support multiple webhook end-points
  • support multiple github webhook origins (i.e. multiple HMACs)
  • suppress messaging on private repos as config option
  • select templates based upon POST body/header content
  • Release formatting (create, publish)
  • Issue formatting (e.g. when tagged with bug)
  • PR formatting (for new pr's and for successful merges)
  • statistics roundup (set frequency in config)


You can host on localhost, or via a remote server with http or https

Configuration files

Create a event_config.json specifying hmac secrets and Discord webhook endpoints, and templates for responses.

These can include interpolation placeholders, i.e. <respository/name> searches the JSON body for the path repository/name and replaces the token with it. Checkout the payloads here any JSON path is supported in Pulse if it is in the Github payload.

        "hmac": "this_is_secret_number_one",
                "check_value_path": "",
                "check_value": "",
                "body": "New release!"
        "end_point": { "addr": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/aaa/bbb" },
        "dont_message_on_private_repos": true
        "hmac": "this_is_secret_number_two",
                "check_value_path": "action",
                "check_value": "created",
                "body": "<repository/name> just got a new star! That makes <repository/stargazers_count>"
                "check_value_path": "action",
                "check_value": "deleted",
                "body": "<repository/name> just lost a star :cry: That makes <repository/stargazers_count>"
        "end_point": { "addr": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/xxx/yyy" },
        "dont_message_on_private_repos": true
        "hmac": "this_is_secret_number_one",
        "templates": [ ],
        "end_point": { "addr": "" },
        "dont_message_on_private_repos": true
        "hmac": "this_is_secret_number_one",
                "check_value_path": "",
                "check_value": "",
                "body": "Ping!"
        "end_point": { "addr": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/aaa/bbb" },
        "dont_message_on_private_repos": true

and a config.json for the server parameters

    "port": 3030,
    "stats_endpoint": { "addr": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/statistics/webhook" },
    "cert_path": "",
    "key_path": ""


Just launch the server!

Example Google Cloud instance (free tier)

The gcloud free tier allows for the following instance running 24/7:

    1 non-preemptible e2-micro VM instance per month in one of the following US regions:
        Oregon: us-west1
        Iowa: us-central1
        South Carolina: us-east1
    30 GB-months standard persistent disk
    1 GB of outbound data transfer from North America to all region destinations (excluding China and Australia) per month

You may still see costs in the Google cloud console, or savings suggestions. You should not be charged though. I have had it running for years all free.

Create it using the CLI...

Using the gloud cli this command should create an instance template for the free tier, which can be used to create instances

gcloud beta compute instance-templates create free-tier-template-http --project=YOUR_PROJECT --machine-type=e2-micro \\
--network-interface=network=default,network-tier=PREMIUM \\
--instance-template-region=projects/YOUR_PROJECT/regions/us-central1 --maintenance-policy=MIGRATE \\
--provisioning-model=STANDARD --service-account=YOUR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT \\
--scopes=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/logging.write,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/monitoring.write,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/servicecontrol,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management.readonly,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/trace.append \\
--enable-display-device --tags=http-server,https-server \\
--no-shielded-secure-boot --shielded-vtpm --shielded-integrity-monitoring --reservation-affinity=any
...or using Cloud console
  • create an e2 in us-central1 (Iowa) for both zone and region
  • select e2-micro (0.25-2 vCPU 1GB memory)
  • you can change the boot disc from 10GB to 30GB if you like
  • allow HTTPS and HTTP (if you need it for certificate provising)
  • all else as default

https certificate setup

Self signed (useful for localhost testing)

  • You can use the bash script certs/gen.sh to generate a key/cert pair with openssl

Production; from authority

  • get a domain (e.g. from squarespace)
  • create a custom DNS record, e.g.
    • your.domain.somwhere A 1 hour google.cloud.instance.ip
  • Use Let's Encrypts recommendation of certbot it really is very easy
    • You will need to enable http in the cloud instance firewall for provisioning as well as https