This is a simple implementation of a Connect-N AI using MiniMax and AlphaBeta pruning. The code was written to support a class project so the GitHub port is likely to have comments I made to the professor. If you run the code as-is you'll see the AI post the name 'Joshua' to the command line. This was our "referees" cue to input the board configuration. To manually play the game, enter the following: 8 8 4 0 10 This sets up an 8x8 board where the player needs 4 in a row to win. The fourth value is who starts, 0 = AI. The last value 10 is the amount of time the AI has to "think". There isn't a prompt for your input but since the AI goes first, as soon as you see the game board enter a numeric value from 0-7 where the value represents the column to drop in a token. The AI will then take 10 seconds to come up with a counter.