CMS Claims Analytics

Executive Summary

CMS provides a 5% sample of their full claims data, but at prohibitively high expense both in time and cost. They have provided a synthetic dataset to allow for experimentation and rapid prototyping of solutions without the barriers associated with the offical dataset.

This repository provides the code to:

  1. Obtain and load the synthetic dataset into a mariadb database
  2. Perform descriptive analytics on the synthetic dataset
  3. Peform inferential analytics on the synthetic dataset
  4. Perform machine learning analytics on the syntheic dataset

Loading Data

Obtaining the synthetic data

The 20 samples can be obtained from the CMS site (see citations). These data samples can then be pre-processed to allow them to be read into the database. Each dataset can then be loaded into the tables in the database.

The files to setup the database on a linux server are present in the scripts_setup folder. These can be run by directing the .sql file to the mysql server. $ mysql < [setup_table_1_scpript.sql] There are also bash scripts to load the csv data. $ source ./[load_table_1_csv_data.bash]

There were minor naming issues, likely due to dataset updates, encountered when downloading the dataset and the resulting database counts should be compared against CMS Synthetic Data Description

Descriptive Analytics


Inferential Analytics


Machine Learning Analytics

