
Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0


Utilities for cloning vars in Clojure and Clojurescript.


{io.github.jerems/dolly {:git/tag "v29", :git/sha "cfefa49133"}}


(defn foo
  "Some foo doc"

;; We can clone foo in the same ns or not
(def-clone bar foo)

;; The docstring (and other var metadata) is cloned
(clojure.repl/doc foo)
;=> "Some foo doc"

;; We can clone macros
(defmacro baz
  "Some doc for baz."

;; And change some metadata for the clone.
(def-clone ^{:doc "Some other doc"}cloned-baz baz)

(clojure.repl/doc cloned-baz)
;=> "Some other doc"


This project is inspired by https://github.com/aleph-io/potemkin import var system. However dolly's def-clone doesn't link aliased vars to propagate change when the original is redefined. I don't think that's possible in Clojurescript and this projects aims to work with it.


Copyright © 2020-2022 Jeremy Schoffen.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License v 2.0.