
Test of converting reactrails example to reagent

Primary LanguageClojure

ReactRails in Reagent

Test project to convert http://www.reactrails.com to reagent

Here's the key functionality to support:


  • Simple, single table model with no authentication.
  • Handling async calls
  • Simple validations, server and/or client

Nice to Have

  • Nice to show off some react features
  • Deployable to heroku
  • Backend of Datomic

Anything else to add to this list?

Please submit PRs!

By the way, if there's an alternative ClojureScript framework that's preferable, let me know and I'll create a separate repo to compare that one.

See also: https://github.com/shakacode/reactrails-in-om-next-example

Running the project

Setting up environment variables

You can set the port the web server will listen to. The app uses environ and so you can create the file `.lein-env' at the root of the project. The file should look like this:

{:port "9000"}

Installing dependencies

The app uses leiningen and npm to manage dependencies. You need to npm install to get javascript third party libraries.

Running the production app

In a terminal, after installing with npm:

  1. lein uberjar
  2. java -jar target/reactrails-in-reagent-standalone.jar


The following explains how to quickly get the backend and the frontend running in development. To see the set up take a look at the file src/dev/user.clj.


To start the backend in development start a repl with lein repl then (go).


Figwheel provides auto compiling of the cljs sources and live reload. To start figwheel, in a terminal:

  1. lein repl
  2. (start-figwheel! "dev")
  3. Open your browser to localhost:PORT/

Devcards and Gorilla worksheets

The Gorilla REPL plugin is used to create some interactive documentation of the backend. Worksheets are in the ws directory. To start gorilla, in a terminal:

  1. lein gorilla
  2. open your browser at the url provided.

Devcards is used in the frontend for the same purpose. To start devcards, in a terminal:

  1. lein repl
  2. (start-figwheel! "devcards")
  3. open your browser to localhost:PORT/devcards

Other considerations

The project is setup using figwheel-sidecar instead of the lein-figwheel plugin. This allows for easier integration with editors, no need for a special repl config in Cursive for instance.

This page of the Gorilla REPL website explains how to connect with your text editor.

Running the tests

For the backend tests just lein test in a terminal.

Karma is used to run the frontend tests. After installing the karma client, you can run the frontend tests in a terminal:

  1. lein cljsbuild once test
  2. karma start

You can also run the tests on the minified app (ClojureScript compiler :optimizations :advanced)

  1. lein cljsbuild once test-min
  2. karma start karma.conf-min.js

The tests are also available as devcards.