
Hybrid Application - Course Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Hybrid Application - Course Project

Coupons Platform Android Hybrid Applications Final Project The final project includes the development of hybrid application for the android platform (wrapping the client side as application is not mandatory). The application allows the user to get a list of the available coupons in accordance with the distance of each and every coupon from the location of the user. The application allows the user to select the category in which he wants to get the coupons. The application should include a client side that works with a server side you develop in the Java EE course (or works with a static file stored on the server side). The project should be developed in couples. The project will be presented in the last meeting. Part of the mark is based on answering the questions been asked during the presentation. The presentation will take place during the last lesson of the semester. All project files should be sent by email at haim.michael@gmail.com (before the presentation takes place). The client side must be an hybrid application for android. It should include parts written in javascript and parts written in java. You can develop other ideas. Another idea must be approved in advance. The project must follow these specification:

  1. The client side user interface should be developed using jQueryMobile.

  2. The data that describes the coupons should be in JSON. The client side should get it using Ajax and should update the DOM accordingly. Possible bonuses include the following:

  3. The client side hybrid application can use one of PhoneGap plugins features or implement a facebook login mechanism (at the minimum). - 1pt bonus

  4. Having the hybrid application placed for download through Google Play or through one of its free alternatives. - 1pt bonus

  5. Develop another idea that was approved by Haim (in advance). - 2pts bonus

  6. Wrapping the client side as a Java application for android. - 1pts bonus Specific submission requirements:

  7. It is in your responsibility to keep backups of your work. Computer malfunction, sudden lightning, bad dogs, scratchy cats and similars... cannot be an excuse for submitting in a delay.

  8. Each delay in presenting the project will result in a deduction of 4 points (per day).