
My own programing langue

Mozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


My own programing langue. Inspired by Python, CSharp and GDScript plus my own ideas that I didn't saw in any langue.

Sharpy Concepts

  • divide your code to rule it
  • every thing is public
  • every thing is overrideable
  • expandable enums at runtime
  • static like in C#
  • if is also a switch from other c-like langues
  • getset like in C#
  • only easy to understand sugar code, non lambdas
  • skip instead of confusing continue in for loop
  • wait instead of confusing yield
  • commas (,) are optional
  • blocks of code starts with : and contunie by indent
  • keywords use, as and hide can be used to differentiate between values and functions with that same name, but form different scripts