
C++ Loops Lecture

Primary LanguageC++

Loop It - C++ Loops Explained

run on repl.it

This repository contains a PowerPoint lecture and accompanying source code to teach about C++ Loops. The code can run online or locally per the procedures below.

Run Online

Click this button: run on repl.it

This should open up a website with a full editor and c++ compiler. The projects has already been configured as well, just click the green 'Run' button at the top.

In the editor on the left, open the src folder and make changes to any source file! Recompile by clicking the 'Run' button

run on repl.it

Run Local


Make sure that you have CMake and a C++ Compiler installed on your system.


  1. mkdir cmake-build && cd cmake-build - Create build directory
  2. cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. - Configure build tools. For windows also add -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64
  3. cmake --build . -j4 --config Release - Build project


The programs are in cmake-build/bin directory. For example ./cmake-build/bin/While1 will run the first program.