
Welcome to the todolist app! This app is for demonstration purposes to showcase cool technology while working with a database. Some of the key technologies we use:

  • SQLite - An embedded database to store all our users, worklists, and tasks
  • Python - A fantastic, simple language we use to communicate with our database
  • SQLModel - A python library that allows you to communicate with your database. This is an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) library.
  • Textual - An awesome Terminal User Interface (TUI) that allows us to draw interactive graphics on our terminal
  • Prompt-toolkit - An awesome library that allows you one to create a custom Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop (REPL)


Just type in pip install -e .

Running the Demo

There are three (3) applications we created to interact with our database. Open up your terminal/shell and type one of the following commands:

  1. todo-create-db - This will create the database for us. This must be executed at least one time before any other command. The database will be stored in src/todolist/database/database.db
  2. todo-repl - This will launch the repl app. You will issue commands by entering them into the repl.
  3. todo-tui - This will launch the tui app. You issue commands by clicking the widgets in your terminal.

todo-repl and todo-tui have the same capabilities when it comes to adding worklists and tasks. They are just different frontends to talk to the database.

Clear Tables and Data

Anytime you want to clear the database and start fresh, just type todo-create-db into your shell.

Database Design

There are three tables created in this app: User, Worklist, and Task. A User creates a Worklist. A User has zero or many Worklist(s). A user can add a Task to a Worklist they own. The Worklist has zero or many Task(s).

    User {
        int id PK
        string first_name
        string last_name
    Worklist {
        int id PK
        int user_id FK
        string date_created
    Task {
        int id PK
        int worklist_id FK
        string date_created
        bool completed

    Worklist ||.. o{ Task : has
    User ||.. o{ Worklist : creates


All the main code lives inside the folder src/todolist:

├─ tui
│  ├─ widgets
│  │  └─
│  ├─ style.css
│  └─
├─ repl
│  ├─
│  ├─
│  └─
└─ database
   ├─ database.db

Let's talk about each section.


The database folder holds the file database.db. This is a SQLite database file that stores all the data for our app. YOu can open this database with Beekeeper or even SQLite browser.

This is our python module that contains the definition of the tables in our database. We are using SQLModel to define the tables. For example

class User(SQLModel, table=True):  # 
    id: Optional[int] = Field(default=None, primary_key=True)  # this will autoincrement by default
    first_name: str
    last_name: str 

defines a class called User that inherits from SQLModel. This will ensure that a table called user may be created. The data types of the fields are the type hints in Python.

We also creat helper functions that help us talk to the database:

def get_users() -> List[User]:
    with Session(engine) as session:
        return list(session.query(User).all())

This functions creates a Session with our database where we can query all the rows in the User table. Usually you would do this with SQL like:

FROM user

However, the ORM allows us to do this all within Python (and the ORM handles writing SQL). This function will return a list of User objects (the rows in our table).


The repl is created using prompt-toolkit. The main application is under the file The files and provide function and objects that the help

Here is the main loop of our app:

def cli():
    state = AppState() # contains our app sate
    session = PromptSession() # allows us to prompt the user

    console.print("You can exit the program by pressing [success]CTRL+D[/success] at anytime")
    console.print("You must type in a command and a value: Eg. 'select 1', 'complete 1'")
    loop = True
    while loop:
            if state.app_step == Step.show_user:
                loop = execute_command(session, state, 'all_user_list', model=User)
            elif state.app_step == Step.show_worklist:
                loop = execute_command(session, state, 'all_worklist_list', model=Worklist)
            elif state.app_step == Step.show_task:
                loop = execute_command(session, state, 'all_tasklist_list', model=Task)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
        except EOFError:
        except EntityNotFound as e:
        except Exception:

The basic idea is we have a while loop that repeatedly asks for commands. We execute those commands (which are often reading or writing to the database) and loop again.

Here is a screenshot of the interface:


This folder contains all the code for the tui interface. The main app is inside the file All the styles of the app, which configure how the app looks, are in style.css. This is a much more advanced interface than the repl interface.

Here is a screenshot of the interface: