
A List of Links to Get started in Blockchain Quickly.

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A List of links to get started in Blockchain quickly.

The below links are for informative and learning purposes only. 
This list is not financial advice please do your own research.

Blockchain legal precedents:


Back to basics for beginners:

  1. Video - But how does bitcoin actually work?

  2. Video - How Bitcoin Works in 5 Minutes (Technical)

  3. Video - How Bitcoin Works Under the Hood

  4. Quora.com - How did Bitcoin get started?

  5. Reddit.com - How was the first bitcoin created?

  6. Bitcoin.stackexchange.com - When and how did bitcoin start?

  7. Quora.com - In the beginning how did the first recipient receive the first bitcoin if there were no transactions to mine?

  8. En.bitcoin.it - Genesis block

  9. Genesis-mining.com - The history of bitcoin

  10. Bitcointalk.org - How did the First Bitcoins get Generated?

  11. Quora.com - What is the incentive for Bitcoin miners to add transactions without fees to a block

  12. Businessinsider.com - bitcoin price miners making killing in transaction fees

  13. Bitcoin.stackexchange.com - Why is mining necessary for the bitcoin network system

  14. Reddit.com - Why is there a need for fee pressure if miners

Jump right in guide:

  1. Build web3 games + apps with ease
  2. Follow scaffold.eth Tut
  3. Install buidler?
  4. Video - Yarn run watch
  5. Video - Tests and console.log
  6. GitHub - Ethereum Development with Go book

Blockchain Dev EBooks

  1. miguelmota/ethereum-development-with-go-book: 📖 A little guide book on Ethereum Development with Go (golang)

Top of my learning List:
Laser focused on:
Flutter, Go, Solidity

Decentralized Tools:
Scaffold.eth, Hard Hat, 1hive & Celeste

Programming Languages:
TypeScript, Kotlin

Development Frameworks/Libraries:
Gatsby, Ionic, Blazor

Other / General:
Angular, Svelte, ReactNative + Redux + Expo
Nest.js, Node.js, Next.js
Rust, Scala, Lua, Motoko (ICP),...JavaScript
Elrond, Polygon, Internet Computer Protocol

Other amazing tools:

Github is centralized:

  1. Radicle - sovereign code
  2. PenPot

Cloud Databases

  1. CockroachDB

WhatsApp to Mattermost integration

  1. Restack

No Codes:

  1. Toddle
  2. Appypie
  3. Builder

Design Tools:

  1. Figma
  2. Sketch

Website Builders / pre-built components:

  1. FlutterFlow, Example - Video
  2. Bootstrapstudio.io
  3. Webflow
  4. Elementor
  5. Shuffle.dev

UI Libraries/Frameworks:

  1. Ionicblocks.com
  2. Material.angular.io
  3. StencilPress
  4. StencilJS

Online Code editor:

  1. Codesandbox.io/s/stencil-web-component-9gkne

Hosting / Sandboxes:

  1. Glitch
  2. Fastly recomends RisingCloud, Example
  3. Heroku
  4. Plunker
  5. StackBlitz

Connectors / Pipes / APIs

  1. Zapier
  2. make
  3. buildship

Arb online tools

  1. HMAC Calculator

People to follow:

@austingriffith, @woonomic, @coinbureau, @maxedapps, @jeremyalpha, @wildcards_world @TheECOcoin, @Open__Earth, @proofofimpact, @my_emissions


Public good projects:

Internet Computer Protocol:

  1. Creating a project - Creating a project from a template
  2. How to deploy your first canister using the nns dApp

Austin Griffith:

  1. Ethereum dev speed run
  2. Eth.build
  3. Scaffold.Eth - Tutorial
  4. Video - Start building on Ethereum today with 🏗 scaffold-eth
  5. Video - 🏗 scaffold-eth speedrun
  6. Scaffold.Eth Simple NFT Example
  7. Scaffold.Eth - Buyer Mints
  8. Signator.io


  1. Full Stack Web3 Dapp - Course for Beginners - Zapper clone
  2. First Dapp Starter
  3. NFT Gating - How to Create Exclusive NFT Gated Content for NFT Holders
  4. Ultimate NFT Programming Tutorial - FULL COURSE
  5. Build Web 3.0 AirBNB Clone Using web3uikit, React, Moralis and Solidity - Full-Stack Blockchain App
  6. Connect to a Database with Web3 Authentication | MongoDB, NextJS and Moralis
  7. How to Authenticate Users with Web3Auth - SSO
  8. How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask
  9. Moralis Database Security Tutorial - CLP, ACL, Protected Fields Explained
  10. Video - Ethereum Boilerplate | Fastest Way To Build A Web3 Dapp
  11. Building DAO Apps in 10 Minutes
  12. Moralis Ethereum Boilerplate GitHub
  13. Moralis.io - How to build Ethereum dapps in angular
  14. Video - Angular Tutorial
  15. Video - Serverless DApps
  16. Video - Hard Hat App Ex
  17. Video - Push Notifications
  18. What is Web3 storage
  19. Video - Data persistence - IPFS
  20. Video - Working with Queries
  21. Streams API
  22. Moralis Hard Hat Config Docs
  23. Video - Hard Hat Config
  24. Video - Hard Hat to Metamask
  25. Video - First Elrond app in 5 mins
  26. Video - Moralis Elrond Login
  27. Build a DAO
  28. Blockchain Discord Bot
  29. AWS Web3 API Calls - Integrate Moralis with AWS Lambda
  30. Intro - How to Set Up a Self-Hosted Web3 Server
  31. Moralis Parse Server Hosting Guide (Legacy) - Server self host
  32. Self Hosted Moralis Server Walkthrough | Parse-Server, Moralis & MongoDB


  1. HardHat


  1. Flutter based bus scheduler example


  1. Multiplatform full stack app
  2. Creating a location tracking app using Firebase and Google maps in Android
  3. Geo location tracking in android with kotlin
  4. Geo location Kotlin example
  5. Kotlin Docs - Multiplatform
  6. Kotlin Docs - Create-first multiplatform mobile app
  7. Kotlin Docs - Kotlin for server side
  8. Kotlin Docs - Set up a Kotlin/JS project
  9. Udemy Course - Web development with Kotlin

Getting started with Angular and Ionic:

1 - Examples / Speed builds:

  1. Building a Deliveroo Food Ordering UI with Ionic


  1. Video - How to Build a Native App from Angular Projects with Capacitor
  2. Build Your First Ionic App with Firebase using AngularFire 7
  3. Building an Ionic App with Firebase Authentication & File Upload using AngularFire 7
  4. How to Build Your First Ionic 6 App with API Calls
  5. How to add Google Sign In using Capacitor to your Ionic App
  6. Video - How to Create an Ionic PWA with Web Push Notifications
  7. Video - The Push Notifications Guide for Ionic & Capacitor
  8. Capacitor push-notifications docs
  9. Video - push notification in ionic capacitor app
  10. Push Notifications using Angular and Firebase Cloud Messaging | The Blueflame Labs
  11. How to prepare your Ionic PWA to receive push notifications
  12. Building a web application with #Angular and #Firebase
  13. Medium.com - jishnusaha89 - Firebase Cloud messaging & push notifications with Angular
  14. Positronix.io - Ionic Firebase FCM Push notifications tutorial with example
  15. ITWonders-web.com - Push notification using Firebase demo tutorial
  16. TheBlueFlameLabs.com - How to use push Notifications using Angular and Firebase Cloud Messaging
  17. Thisdot.co - PWA Push Notifications with Firebase Cloud Messaging Pt1
  18. Angular-University.io - Angular Push Notifications
  19. Section.io - F.C.M with Spring and Angular
  20. Angular.io - Shopping app ex with StackBlitz - Browser based IDE


  1. Installing React Native Firebase Core (Part 3) | Push Notifications with React Native Firebase
  2. The Complete React Native Course: from Zero to Hero


  1. Crypto masterclass class one ethereum hands on

  2. Ethereum and Solidity the complete developers guide

  3. Ethereum developer

  4. Rust WebAssembly with JS & TS, the practical guide

  5. The complete guide to Angular 2

  6. React-Redux

  7. Pomp's Crypto Course

  8. Video - Functional smart contracts on Cardano

  9. Video - How to Code & Deploy Ethereum Smart Contract using Solidity & Remix IDE | Smart Contracts Tutorial

  10. Blockchain beyond the basics

  11. Foundations of the fourth industrial revolution

  12. AI in Fintech essential training

  13. Why focus on emerging technologies

  14. Brilliant.org

  15. Academind.com - Programming courses for everyone

  16. freecodecamp.org - Learn to code — for free

  17. Exponent - Succeed in your tech career, - Interview Prep

  18. buildspace - Dare to dream. Dare to build.

  19. Rust Crash Course

Facebook Docs:

1 - General:

  1. developers.facebook.com
  2. Getting Started - Meta Webhooks
  3. Sample Apps - Meta Webhooks - Documentation - Meta for Developers
  4. Meta Webhooks - Documentation - Meta for Developers
  5. Webhooks - Messenger Platform - Documentation - Meta for Developers
  6. Confused about Validating Payloads - Developer Community Forum - Meta for Developers
  7. WhatsApp Business Encryption - Cloud API - Documentation - Meta for Developers
  8. developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2022/12/05/auth-tokens/
  9. Implementing Webhooks From The WhatsApp Business Platform

2 - Calculate HMAC

  1. facebook webhook signature calculation (C#)

General how tos:

1 - Examples / Speed builds:

  1. Uber Clone 1
  2. Uber Clone 2

2 - General:

  1. ReactNative push-notifications tutorial

  2. The Complete React Native Course 2021 : from Zero to Hero

  3. Installing React Native Firebase Core (Part 3) | Push Notifications with React Native Firebase

  4. medium.com/nomic-foundation-blog - How to get started with buidler

  5. medium.com/blockchain-developer - Learn how to create your own dapp with angular part i

  6. blog.oliverjumpertz.dev - How to set up a solidity project and create your first smart contract

  7. ethereum-blockchain-developer - 01 setup Remix

  8. medium.com/solidify - Lesson 1 your first solidity smart contract

  9. How to launch Decentralized Autonomous Organization - DAO

  10. medium.com/@joselfgaray - DAO workshop testnet

  11. medium.com/dfinity - Building a front end dapp on the internet computer

  12. Video - How to Create an Escrow Contract on Ethereum

  13. Video - How To Build An Escrow Smart Contract With Ethereum & Solidity

  14. Ethereum.org - developers/docs/dapps/

  15. hummingbot.io - Defi Arbitrage

  16. extropy-io.medium.com - Coding a defi arbitrage bot

  17. social.msdn.microsoft.com - Programming blockchain smart contracts with C on the Neo blockchain

  18. medium.com/coinmonks - A net developers workflow for creating and calling ethereum smart contracts

  19. c-sharpcorner.com - Getting started with smart contracts in c sharp

  20. koukia.ca - Deploy Ethereum smart contracts using C and Visual Studio

  21. medium.com/compound-finance - Setting up an Ethereum development environment

  22. medium.com/interfacing-with-a-blockchain - How to set up your Ethereum development environment for pc

  23. medium.com/edgefund - Ethereum development on Windows part 1

  24. auth0.com - An introduction to Ethereum and smart contracts part 3

  25. medium.com/@saturnial - Build your first dapp in 5 minutes part ii

  26. blog.datafund.net - Chattie or how to build a decentralised chat app in 10 minutes

  27. github.com/ethereum - Meteor dapp whisper chat client

  28. medium.com/coinmonks - The freelancers smart contract dapp demo

  29. medium.com/textileio - Build a decentralized chat app with knockout and ipfs

  30. instructables.com - How to Implement Facebook Social Login

  31. github.com/AztecProtocol - Loan dapp starter kit

  32. Getting started with Twitter Tip Bot Backend

  33. learntodroid.com - How to create a simple alarm clock app in Android

Hackathon / Demos:

Burner wallets:





Gnosis - xDai:


Watch this space:

Reading list:





Real estate:

Trusted Execution Environment

1 - General:

  1. wikipedia - TTE
  2. fairphone - security
  3. grapheneos
  4. Qualcomm Trusted Execution Environment
  5. Android security maximized by Samsung KNOX
  6. Qualcomm-SPU-Security-Policy-V1.3
  7. FIPS 140-2 - Wikipedia
  8. Snapdragon 820 first to receive hardware security certification | Qualcomm
  9. Secure Processing Unit on the Qualcomm SDA845 SoC | Lantronix
  10. Trusty TEE | Android Open Source Project