C# Console App with MSTesting Boilerplate

This app will spin up a basic C# console applicaiton with testing. | March 4th. 2020

By ** Dusty McCord & Patrick Kille**


This application will let a user add a project name and a NameSpace to populate a standard folder structure and boiler plate files. This app will leave to completed folder in the this project folder.

create a .gitignore template for your os here

Setup/Installation Requirements

Make sure you have git version control installed on your computer.

  1. find the green 'Clone or Download' button and copy the link
  2. open terminal and type...


cd desktop

Mac & linux

cd ~/Desktop
  1. in terminal type 'git clone {link to repository} '
git clone https://github.com/dustatron/Csharp-Console-template-Maker.git
  1. navigate to the new folder that was created on your desk
cd MakeConsole.Solutions
  1. navigate to MakeConsole
cd MakeConsole
  1. run this command:
dotnet run
  1. Follow the app's prompts to create the new project.

  2. Your new project folder should be at the MakeConsole.Solutions folder.


        __         __
       /.-'       `-.\
      //             \\
    /o.-==-. .-. .-==-.o\
    ||      )) ((      ||
     \\____//   \\____//   
      `-==-'     `-==-'

Behavior Driven Development Spec List

Behavoir Input Output
1 - The program will take in a project name and NameSpace and return new folder structure. 'Golden & Girls' Folder named Golden.Solutions with files using the Girls NameSpace


The software is provided as is. It might work as expected - or not. Use at your own risk.

Built With

  • C#
  • .Net Core2.2


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details

Copyright (c) 2020 Dusty McCord & Patrick Kille