
Super Galactic Space Age Calculator - Code Review 5 Test Driven Development

Primary LanguageJavaScript

  |_  |                               | | / /     | |      | ___ \       | |     | |  
    | | ___ _ __ ___ _ __ ___  _   _  | |/ /  __ _| | ___  | |_/ __ _  __| | ___ | |_ 
    | |/ _ | '__/ _ | '_ ` _ \| | | | |    \ / _` | |/ _ \ |  __/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \| __|
/\__/ |  __| | |  __| | | | | | |_| | | |\  | (_| | |  __/ | | | (_| | (_| | (_) | |_ 
\____/ \___|_|  \___|_| |_| |_|\__, | \_| \_/\__,_|_|\___| \_|  \__,_|\__,_|\___/ \__|
                                __/ |                                                 

Super Galactic Age Calculator

Epicodus Code Review 5 Test Driven Development 'Super Galactic Age Calculator' / Feb 7, 2020

By Jeremy Kale Padot


A calculator that will determine your age per lunar year for each plantet of the solar system.


  • Application will accept numerical input from user (age) and return number
    • input: 30
    • output: 30
  • Application will divide user input by .24 to determine users age on Mercury and return
    • input: 30
    • output: 125
  • Application will divide user input by .62 to determine users age on Venus and return
    • input: 30
    • output: 48.3
  • Applicaion will divide user input by 1.88 to determine users age on Mars and return
    • input: 30
    • output: 15.9
  • Application will divide user input by 11.86 to determine users age on Jupiter and return
    • input: 30
    • output: 2.5
  • Application will determine remaining life expectacny based on user input age per planet- Average human life lasting 80 years.
    • input: 30
    • output: life remaing- 50 years
  • Application will reconize if user is age of life expectancy.
    • input: 80
    • output: zero years left, oh no!
  • Application will determine how many years past life expectancy user inputs.
    • input: 85
    • output: you are 5 years older than an average human life, hurray!

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • For Devs, open git repository and copy repo link https://github.com/kalepadot/epicodus-CR5-SuperGalactic.git
  • In your terminal desktop, clone the repo and open in text editor.
  • $ git clone repo link, $ git cd to repo, $ code . (this will open in your text editor) VSCode suggested.
  • You will need to download bootstrap vr 3.3.7 and add to your css file. download from the website adn drag to your folder. Make sure your link and script are up to date with applied bootstrap.
  • Same rules apply to jQuery ver 3.4.1. apply to your scrips above js/scripts.js There are links to google fonts in the header.

Known Bugs

There are currently no known bugs at this time.

Support and contact details

For support/ questions/ bugs contact Jeremy Kale Padot at: jeremy@padot.us

Technologies Used

  • Macbook Pro
  • VSCode
  • Bootstrap ver 3.7
  • jQuery 3.4.1
  • html
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Terminal
  • Jest


  • A project by Jeremy Kale Padot/ Epicodus for educational purposes only.

Copyright (c) 2020 Jeremy Kale Padot/Epicodus