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Doctor Who?

Epicodus Code Review 6 API's 'Doctor Who?' / Feb 14, 2020 Happy Valentines Day ❤️

By Jeremy Kale Padot


A Doctor searching application that outputs a list of doctors in the Portland area and information about the Doctor and practice. Information includes: Name, Website, Phone, Accepting new patients, and Doctor Specialty. User will recieve error messages if input is not correct. Application will display the top ten matching results based on user input.


  • User should be able to search a medical issue and recieve a list of doctors in the Portland area
    • Input: Therapy
    • Output: First name: Donna Last name: Neevel Accepting new patients: true Website: No results available Phone: 5038132000 Specialty Occupational Therapist Address 4855 SW Western Ave Beaverton 97005 OR
  • User should be able to enter a name and recieve a list of Doctors fitting that input
    • Input: Smith
    • Output: First name: Dennis Last name: Smith
  • Each listed Doctor should include: first name, last name, phone number, website, address and whether or not the doctor is accepting new patients.
    • Input: Donna
    • Output: First name: Donna Last name: Neevel Accepting new patients: true Website: No results available Phone: 5038132000 Specialty Occupational Therapist Address 4855 SW Western Ave Beaverton 97005 OR
  • If the API call results in an error, the application should return a notification that states what the error is.
    • Input: hello
    • Output: No results are available given current input, try again
    • Input : ' '
    • Output: No results are available, make a correct input.
  • If the query response doesn't meet the search criteria, the application should return a notification that states that no doctors meet the criteria.
    • Input: Padot
    • Output: No results are available given current input, try again.
  • If an area of the doctors profile is undefined, application will replace undefined with no results.
    • Input: Donna
    • Output: First name: Donna Last name: Neevel Accepting new patients: true Website: NO RESULTS AVALIABLE Phone: 5038132000 Specialty Occupational Therapist Address 4855 SW Western Ave Beaverton 97005 OR
  • If API key error:
    • Input: Donna
    • Output: BetterDoctor API error, please try again or request a new key from your developer

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • You must first create your own uniqie API KEY.
  • Visit BetterDoctor:( https://developer.betterdoctor.com/ ) and create an account.
  • BetterDoctor will generate an API key for you, do not push this to github or share with anyone.
  • Relocate to terminal
  • $ cd ~
  • $ cd desktop
  • Use this link to clone repo:( https://github.com/kalepadot/epicodus-CR6-Doctor.git )
  • In terminal use command $ git clone (paste repo here)
  • Navigate to directory: $ cd epicodus-CR6-Doctor
  • Once in the root directory, $ touch .env (this will create a file for your API key to live safely)
  • Open directory in text editor VSCode recommended. If VSCode is default use command $ code .
  • Add API key to the .env folder as follows: " API_KEY = "api key goes here".
  • Get up to date with your webpack $ npm install
  • Build the webpack with $ npm run build
  • Now we can start the application, $ npm run start

Known Bugs

There are currently no known bugs at this time.

Support and contact details

For support/ questions/ bugs contact Jeremy Kale Padot at: jeremy@padot.us

Technologies Used

  • Macbook Pro
  • VSCode
  • Bootstrap ver 3.7
  • jQuery 3.4.1
  • html
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Terminal
  • node/npm
  • webpack/jest
  • BetterDoctorAPI


  • A project by Jeremy Kale Padot/ Epicodus for educational purposes only.

Copyright (c) 2020 Jeremy Kale Padot/Epicodus