
A repository to assist DAO members with signing.


Brew - /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Git - brew install git 

Github CLI - brew install gh 

Logging into your github account is simple. gh auth login and follow the directions. Feel free to use the github website UI if you dont feel comfortable operating via the CLI.

Fork & clone the repo

gh repo fork

Add your unsigned TX

Example of how to create a send tx for others to sign.

osmosisd tx bank send <wallet_name> <destination_address> <amount>uosmo --chain-id osmosis-1 --generate-only >> tx.json

Other DAO members can pull new unsigned TX's

cd ~/Transactions

git pull

Create a signed TX

osmosisd tx sign <tx name>.json --from <DAO wallet name> --multisig osmo1ddvq48lvj7z4kzpzg9fhyls4v2adhpkjnhk5a5 --chain-id osmosis-1 --node <RPC_node_address> >> <signed_tx_name>.json

Create a pull request

git add .

git commit .

gh pr create

Random pointers to help

  • If you are attempting to sign multiple tx's before the last signed tx is broadcasted be sure to append --sequence <sequence_number> to your signing command.