
Discord bot personal project for watching counting channel

Primary LanguageTypeScript

TypeScript commands

- tsc - compile everything to .js
- tsc src/index.ts - compile index.ts to .js
- tsc -w - compile watch mode
- node out/index.js - run the project


- outDir: "out", - compile directory
- "resolveJsonModule": true", - for importing jsons
Typescript 2.9.0 has a bug with this JSON feature, it was fixed with 2.9.2
- "esModuleInterop": true - for importing jsons
The esModuleInterop is only necessary for the default import of the colorsJson. If you leave it set to false then you have to import it with import * as colorsJson from '../colors.json'
Note: Option "resolveJsonModule" cannot be specified without "node" module resolution strategy, so you also need to put "moduleResolution": "node" into your tsconfig.json. It also comes with the downside, that the *.json files you want to import need to be inside of "rootDir".
Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49996456/importing-json-file-in-typescript

Node Modules:

  • npm install discord.js

Big Notes:

  • For OAUTH2 URL generation, make sure to check "bot" and "applications.commands" in the scopes tab.
  • See command.ts for an interface example.

Google Cloud:

  • Compute Engine > VM instances > Create new Instance
  • Use lowest CPU
  • Keep everything default
  • *maybe enble HTTPS firewall checkboxes (2)
  • sudo apt install npm 1. install node package manager
  • sudo apt install git 2. install git
  • python3 --version 3. check python version
  • npm --version 4. check npm version
  • git --version 5. check git version
  • sudo apt -y update && sudo apt -y upgrade 6. Get Node 17
  • curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_17.x | sudo bash -
  • sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  • node -v7. Check node version
  • git clone <url> 8. Clone git hub repo OR
  • gcloud init 9. Initialize google cloud, login, enter project details, etc. (only needed if using buckets)
  • sudo nano out/index.js - edit out/index.js and insert token (Ctrl X to exit and save)
  • node out/index.js to run
  • nohup node out/index.js &>> activity.log & - NO hang up command, runs bot 24/7 without SSH window open, then put terminal logs in activity.log

todo automatic delete- todo leaderboard todo count command