
Displaying Pico sensor data on a Wavi page

Primary LanguagePython


Pico W sensors displaying data on a wavi page using the atPlatform



Software used in this project

  • VSCode - code editor
  • Pico-W-Go VSCode Extension - interact with the Pico W through VSCode (upload your project, monitor, open ftp server, etc,..)
  • at_pico_w - Atsign's atPlatform offers numerous SDKs, one of them being at_pico_w allowing you to interact with the atProtocol through the Pico W.
  • https://wavi.ng - used to display the data on a web page

Bill of Materials

Physical parts used in this IoT project.

  • Pico W - the Pico W is a small, low-power, low-cost, and low-profile device that can be used to build IoT applications.
  • Micro USB to USB A - to connect the Pico W to your computer
  • DHT11 - the DHT11 is a low-cost temperature and humidity sensor.
  • Water Level Sensor - the Water Level Sensor is a low-cost sensor that can be used to detect the presence of water.
  • Breadboard - the Breadboard is a low-cost way to prototype your circuit.
  • Jumper Wires - the Jumper Wires are low-cost wires that can be used to connect your circuit to the Pico W.


To contribute, you will need the [Pico-W-Go VSCode extension] and run the "Configure Project" command in the root of this project from the command palette. This will initialize the Pico dependencies and the .picowgo hidden file in your project.