
This repo gathers examples to run performance test on different usecases using NoSQLBench.

Repository description

Folder Goal
bank-operations classic bank transaction model in iban.yaml. Originally created to test Solr merge policies.
simple basic table definitions using key/value and timestamp or dates. Originally created to test Solr merge policies.
ttl basic example to use ttl and see their impacts. Originally created to test Solr merge policies.
other_examples bunch of examples of yaml model to use with NoSQLBench.
scripts_metrics all metrics scripts used to gather solr information on server. See below in this readme for usage.


Metrics scripts

This project gathers few scripts in scripts_metrics folder. The two scripts and will be useful to monitor solr segments. Change Solr indexes folder path (myPath) at beginning of script before using it.

Run script using this command to gather output in csv file:

./ > segments_sizes.csv

Import csv into influxdb

As we were using Prometheus/Grafana and wanted to see all metrics in one dashboard, we pushed csv in influxdb and plugged it to monitoring platform.

pip install influxdb
git clone
python csv-to-influxdb/ --dbname ... --input ... --metricname .. --timeformat ...

Import TS of cut_csv of watch_solr_segments

for f in `\ls *.csv`; do python ~/csv-to-influxdb/ --dbname csvdb --input $f --metricname $f --timeformat '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00'; done