A javascript library for watermarking all things like web (a future version will support image/video)
npm install watermarkall
import WM from 'watermarkall';
const options = {
content: 'Hello, Watermarkall!'
// add watermark
// vue项目中使用应放在mounted勾子中
// react项目中使用应放在ComponentDidMount勾子中
const webWm = new WM.WebWatermark(element); // element is optional, it will mark under the root element if omitted
// remove watermark
Attribute | Description | Compulsory | Type | Default |
element | element under which to add watermark | No | HTMLelement | document.documentElement |
options | options to configure watermark | No | object | see the options table |
name | Description | Compulsory | Type | Default |
width | watermark width | No | string | 300px |
height | watermark height | No | string | 200px |
textAlign | watermark alignment | No | string | center |
textBaseline | watermark text base line | No | string | middle |
font | watermark text font | No | string | 20px Microsoft Yahei |
fillStyle | watermark text color | No | string | rgb(153,153,153, 0.2) |
content | watermark content | No | string | Watermarker-All |
rotate | watermark rotation | No | string | 30 |
zIndex | watermark zIndex | No | number | 9999 |