
A bot that can play locally stored music in a server

Primary LanguagePython

Discord Music Bot

This repository contains the code for a music bot. Feel free to clone or fork the code for your own use.

To extend the bot you can derive a new command object from the existing BaseCommand and overwrite the async def execute(self, message) function with the actual functionallity of the command. Also overwrite the async def help(self) that returns the command discription for the help function.

The current framework support admin users. These can be set in the .env file (for an example see ex-.env-file). These commands can be defined in the AdminCommands/ forlder and are defined in the same way as normal commands.

Instalation manual

Before you start please make sure you have the following packages installed:

To use the bot you will need to clone the repository. Then you need to configure a .env file with all the parameters. An example .env file is included. To run the bot use the command python3 main.py. The bot should work on all operating systems supporting python.

To remove functionality from the bot or if you want to change the command names that trigger a command, then change the lines in Commands/CommandHandler.py or Admin/AdminCommandHandler.py.

If you wish to add your own functions to the bot, then derive a new command class from BaseCommand (located in Support/BaseCommand) and overwrite the corresponding functions. Also do not forget to include the newly created command in the corresponding command handler.

Installation Docker

To run the bot in docker, update the docker-compose.yaml to include a path to the music folder you want to use. Create a .env file with your credentials, an example is included. To start the bot, run:
docker-compose up --build -d

Commands (everyone)

The following list is generated using the help command. Note that the appropriate profix should be added to these commands.

connect   : Connect the bot to your voice channel
d         : Disconnect the bot from your voice channel
disconnect: Disconnect the bot from your voice channel
a         : <song-1> ... <song-n>: Add songs to the queue
add       : <song-1> ... <song-n>: Add songs to the queue
ar        : <num> <filter>: Add <num> songs to the queue containing <filter> in their name
addr      : <num> <filter>: Add <num> songs to the queue containing <filter> in their name
s         : Start playing songs from the queue
start     : Start playing songs from the queue
q         : Prints the current queue.
queue     : Prints the current queue.
p         : Pause the song
pause     : Pause the song
stop      : Stop playing songs from the queue
rm        : <songname> ... <songname: Removes next instance of <songname> from the queue
rmall     : <songname> ... <songname>: Removes all instances of <songname> from the queue
rmf       : <string> ... <string>: Removes next instance containing <string> from the queue
rmfall    : <string> ... <string>: Removes all instances containing <string> from the queue
skip      : Skip the current song
l         : List all songs
list      : List all songs

Commands (admins)

The following list is generated using the help command. Note that the appropriate profix should be added to these commands.

add       : <name> : Add a song to the server
mv        : <old name> <new name> : Rename a song on the server
cp        : <old name> <new name> : Copy a song
rm        : <song name> ... <song name> : Delete song(s) from the server