- flask
- pip install -r requirements.txtpip install Flask
√ Must use starter code!
- The page must use templates
- The page must display GIFs (10 at the most)
- GIFs should appear in a single vertical list (Dani said we must have a screenshot of this in order to do the stretch challenge after )
- At the top of the page there should be a page title
- Below the title there should be a search bar with a “Search” button near it (placement up to you, but needs to be on one side of the bar)
- Users should be able to type a string into the search bar, press the search button, and be shown up to 10 GIFs related to the search query
- GIFs should be displayed on a fresh load of the page, i.e. before a query has even been typed.
- GIFs should only update once a user has pressed the “Search” button
- If no GIFs could be found for the search term, display an error message saying that no GIFs could be found, and to try another search query
- The following elements should have some custom styling (i.e. CSS rules) added to them: A. Page title B. Search Bar C. Search Button
- All code must be commented with a description of what the code is doing, expected input, and expected output
- Add a gitignore file and edit it so that “.DS_Store” and “.env” won’t get tracked in Git. What else shouldn't be tracked?
- Center-align everything on the page
- Display the GIFs in a grid instead of a list
- Add a button that displays the top 10 trending GIFs on Tenor
- Check the documentation!
- Add a button that displays 10 random GIFs on Tenor
- Check the documentation!
- Type-ahead: as the user types in the search box, the page is reloading the gifs to match the search query in real time (no longer =needing to click the search button)
- get API call working
- get the function to pass the information to the templates.
- add in the input feature
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