CBR Bet Assistant (this a GitHub readme file)

Task List

  • Data Structure
  • Read fast the data
  • Retrieve
  • Create abstract Retrieve.
  • Adapt the abstract case to our problem.
  • Reuse
  • Create abstract Reuse.
  • Adapt the abstract case to our problem.
  • Revise
  • Create abstract Revise.
  • Adapt the abstract case to our problem.
  • Retain
  • Create abstract Retain.
  • Adapt the abstract case to our problem.


  • 19/01/2015 Delivery 2: Project Documentation and software code.

  • 22/01/2015 Delivery 3: Project work presentation and public exposition.

Global Goals

OPTIMAL CBR SYSTEM (Case base maintenance especially affects space and time)

    1. Maximum Competence: to maximize the # of target problems it can satisfactorily solve
    1. Optimal Efficiency:
  • a) Time: minimize time
  • b) Space: Smaller CL
  1. Data

  1. Data Structure

The data structure is largely defined by the three classes:


Is an abstraction of an object class, which can contain other instances of CBRclass in a dictionary of classes and can also contain other data structures in the attributes dictionary.

class CBRclass(object):
    The class CBRclass defines in a general way the cases of the CBR.

    def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
Method Description
add_class Adds a class to the classes dictionary.
get_class Gets a class from the classes dictionary.
pop_class Removes the class 'name' from the dictionary of classes and returns it.
add_feature These method adds a new attribute to the CBRclass.
get_feature These method sets the values of an attribute from the CBRclass.
pop_feature Removes and returns the element 'name' from the dictionary of attributes.


The Case class is a subclass of the CBRclass with an attribute called solution and a CBRclass called problem. This class is the base of our CBR system.

class Case(object):
    Case is the main class in the CBR.
    Contains a problem (CBRclass), a solution (default empty string)
    and the operation required to find the solution (CBRclass).
    def __init__(self, name, problem, **kwargs):
Method Description
get_solution Returns the solution of the case.
set_solution Sets the current solution to a given one.
get_problem Gets the problem of the case.
set_problem Set the problem of the case to a given problem.
get_operation Gets the operation of the case.
set_operation Set the operation of the case to a given operation.


This class contains basically a dictionary with all the cases in our Case Base.

class CaseBase(object):
    Repository of Cases a the CBR.
    def __init__(self):
Method Description
add_case Add a new case to de Case Base.
pop_case Pops a case from the CaseBase.
get_case_keys Returns the keys of the cases dictionary.
get_case_values Return the values of the cases dictionary.
get_case Gets a case from the Case Base given a value or a key of the cases dictionary.
  1. Retrieve

The Retrieve phase is performed in the function retrieve from the internal_repr module. It is defined as follows:

def retrieve(casebase, case, similarity_function, thr, max_cases, **kwargs):
    This function will retrieve the most similar cases
    stored in the 'casebase' to the 'case'.

    :type  casebase: CaseBase
    :param casebase: CaseBase storing Cases with its solutions.

    :type  case: Case
    :param case: New case to your CBR, with an unknown solution.

    :type  similarity_function: callable
    :param similarity_function: Similarity function which takes as an argument
                two cases and returns a float number between 0 and 1.
                Where 0 means the two cases are dissimilar and
                1 means that the two cases are equal or vary

    :type  thr: float
    :param thr: Threshold to determine weather a given similarity
                is considered as a possible retrievable case.

    :type  max_cases: int
    :param max_cases: Maximum number of similar cases to be retrieved.
    :param kwargs: Optional parameters for the similarity function

    :return: List of similar cases.
  1. Reuse

In the Reuse phase some adaptation methods where implemented:

def null_adapatation(new_case, retrieved_cases, similarities, specific_function):
    This is an adaptation function to a sub-case of the adaptational substitution.
    It returns the solution of the most similar case. Null adaptation.

    :type new_case: Case (Unused)
    :param new_case: New case to solve (Unused)

    :type retrieved_cases: List of Case Objects
    :param retrieved_cases:

    :type similarities: List of floats
    :param similarities: list of similarities between elements in retrieved_cases and the new case.

    :type specific_function: Function Object
    :param specific_function: (Unused)

    :type: Solution Object
    :return: solution object in the most similar case.
def substitutional_adaptation(new_case, retrieved_cases, similarities, specific_function):
    This function is a domain specific substitutional_adaptation which using a specific domain function returns a new
    :type new_case: Case
    :param new_case: New case to solve
    :type retrieved_cases: List of Case
    :param retrieved_cases:
    :type similarities: List of floats
    :param similarities: list of similarities between elements in retrieved_cases and the new case.
    :type specific_function: Function Object - must have as inputs: (new_case, retrieved_cases, similarities)
    :param specific_function: Specific function that determines the domain specific substitutional adaptation.
    :type: Solution Object
    :return: solution object returned by the specific function
def transformational_adaptation(new_case, retrieved_cases, similarities, specific_function):
    This function is a domain specific transformational adaptation which using a specific domain function returns a new

    :type new_case: Case
    :param new_case: New case to solve

    :type retrieved_cases: List of Case
    :param retrieved_cases:

    :type similarities: List of floats
    :param similarities: list of similarities between elements in retrieved_cases and the new case.

    :type specific_function: Function Object
            - must have as inputs: (new_case, retrieved_cases, similarities)
            - output: modifier: operation which modifies the structure of the solution and the solution Object to change
    :param specific_function: Specific function that determines the domain specific substitutional adaptation.

    :type: Solution Object
    :return: solution object returned by the specific function
def generative_adaptation(new_case, retrieved_cases, similarities, specific_function):
    :type new_case: Case
    :param new_case: New case to solve

    :type retrieved_cases: List of Case
    :param retrieved_cases:

    :type similarities: List of floats
    :param similarities: list of similarities between elements in retrieved_cases and the new case.

    :type specific_function: Function Object - must have as inputs: (new_case, retrieved_cases, similarities)
    :param specific_function: Specific function that determines the domain specific substitutional adaptation.

    :type: Solution Object
    :return: solution object returned by the specific function

The Reuse function (phase) will try to adapt the retrieved solutions to the new case.

def reuse(similar_cases, new_case, similarities, adaptation_function, specific_function):
    In the Reuse Phase we will observe the retrieved solutions and we will try to adapt them to our new case with
    the implementation of an heuristic.

    :type  similar_cases: list of Case
    :param similar_cases: Array of cases similar to the new case.

    :type  new_case: Case
    :param new_case: New case to solve

    :type  similarities: list of float
    :param similarities: Vector with the similarity values of the similar cases.

    :type  adaptation_function: callable
    :param adaptation_function: General adaption technique used

    :type  specific_function: callable
    :param specific_function: Specific problem-dependent function

    :type: String
    :return: result of the case
  1. Revise

In the Revise Phase, a proposed solution for a given case is evaluated and a confidence probability is returned.

def revise(case, expert_function, predicted_result):
    In the Revise Phase, a proposed solution for a given case is evaluated
    and a confidence probability is returned.

    :type  case: Case
    :param case: It is a Case with a proposed solution by the Reuse Phase.

    :type  expert_function: callable
    :param expert_function: A callable function which evaluates the proposed solution,
                   this 'expert' could be a real expert, a simulation or a
                   real world Test. The function should a return a list with
                   the first element being a confidence measure and the second
                   element an improved solution if there is.

    :type: Tuple list of confidence and case object
    :return: confidence measure of the proposed solution to be positive.
  1. Retain

In the Retain Phase, the proposed solution will be considered to be saved in the repository of the case base or not.

def retain(case, casebase, confidence, conf_thr, retrieved_sim, sim_thr):
    In the Retain Phase, the proposed solution will be considered to be saved
    in the repository of the case base or not.

    :type  case: Case
    :param case: It is a case with the proposed solution to be saved or not
                 in the retain phase.

    :type  casebase: CaseBase
    :param casebase: CaseBase storing Cases with its solutions.

    :type  confidence: float
    :param confidence: Confidence given by the Revise Phase.

    :type  conf_thr: float
    :param conf_thr: Threshold to chose whether to add a case to the case library
                     given a certain confidence.

    :type  retrieved_sim: list of float
    :param retrieved_sim: List of similarities given by the Retrieve Phase.

    :type  sim_thr: float
    :param sim_thr: Threshold to chose whether two cases are similar.

    :return: Boolean