
Fit MBB model to SED.

Primary LanguagePython

Zhiyuan's SED fitting


  1. unpack the tarball to any directory
$ cd /your/directory/to/hold/the/code
$ tar -zxvf /path/to/the/source/code/tarball
  1. install python dependency packages
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. edit sedfit_example.py, to change the import path of the package:
  ... near the bottom of the file ...
  import sys
> sys.path.insert(0, '/home/ma/Codes/pyjerry')
  from sedfit import core

then change the string /home/ma/Codes/pyjerry in the marked line to the path on your machine which holds the sedfit directory

  1. test installation by running the example [Run the example]

Run the example

$ cd example                         # go to example directory
$ python do_fit.py                   # run the fitting
$ python do_fit.py all               # plot the result for all objects
$ python do_fit.py obj_1             # plot the result for obj_1
$ python do_fit.py obj_1,obj_2 True  # plot the result for obj_1 and
                                     # obj_2, and save the figure as
                                     # an eps file.

Create and run your own fitting job

  1. create a copy of sedfit_example.py to the directory that contains the input catalog. Note that the filename can be anything (here I used do_fit.py), as long as it ends with .py
$ cp sedfit_example.py "/working/directory/do_fit.py"
  1. edit do_fit.py by following the comments in the file. The purpose of doing so is to instruct the program about where to find the input catalog and what's the content of it.

  2. run the fitting (refer to [Run the example] section)