Diffusion-based Negative Sampling on Graphs for Link Prediction

Primary LanguagePython

DMNS: Diffusion-based Negative Sampling on Graphs for Link Prediction

We provide the code (in pytorch) and datasets for our paper: "Diffusion-based Negative Sampling on Graphs for Link Prediction" (DMNS), which has been accepted in TheWebConf 2024.

1. Desription

The repository is organised as follows:

  • data/: contains the 4 benchmark datasets: Cora, Citeseer, Coauthor-CS and Actor. All datasets will be processed on the fly. Please extract the compressed file of each dataset before running.

  • model/: contains our models.

2. Requirements

To install required packages

  • pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Experiments

For reproducibility, please run these commands regarding to specific dataset:

  • python main_cond.py --dataset=Cora/Citeseer/CS/Actor

4. Citation