
A dotnet library to fire subprocess command call.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

A dotnet library to fire subprocess command call.



Install from NuGet

dotnet add package Exec

This library supports .NET 5 and version onwards.

Basic usage

var output = await Exec.RunAsync("echo hello");
Assert.Contains("hello", output);

That's all.

Application just call the static methods of Exec class, along with below APIs.

Task<string> RunAsync(string command, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Task<string> RunAsync(string command, ExecOption option, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

The ExecOption can accept customized parameters in case of the default behavior not meet your requirements.

Property Comment Default
Shell The shell application used to execute command passed in. In windows default to cmd.exe, and /bin/sh for Linux and macOS.
ShellParameter Shell parameter for carrying out the script file. In windows default to /q/ c, and empty string for Linxu and macOS.
ShellExtension Script file extension. In windows default to .bat, and .sh for Linxu and macOS.
TempFileLocation Directory for script file. User temp file directory.
Timeout Command execution timeout. Zero. Means no timeout applied.
OutputDataReceivedHandler Handler for new line of output data. Only works while IsStreamed=true. Discard the output data.
ErrorDataReceivedHandler Handler for new line of error data. Only works while IsStreamed=true. Discard the error data.
OnExitedHandler Handler for process exited. Do nothing.
OnCancelledHandler Handler for process was cancelled. Do nothing.
IsStreamed Switch for asynchronous output/error data handling. false

Advanced usage

Execute PowerShell command

var option = new ExecOption();
option.Shell = "pwsh";
option.ShellParameter = "";
option.ShellExtension = ".ps1";
var command = @"function Test-Add {
param (

Write-Output $($Val1 + $Val2)

Test-Add 10 12";
var output = await Exec.RunAsync(command, option);
Assert.Contains("22", output);

Execute command with timeout

var option = new ExecOption();
option.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var output = await Exec.RunAsync("timeout 60", option);
Assert.True(sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds < 5);

Handler stdout and stderr asynchronously

var sb = new StringBuilder();
var option = new ExecOption();
option.IsStreamed = true;
option.OutputDataReceivedHandler = async (d) =>
    await Task.CompletedTask;

var output = await Exec.RunAsync(@"echo hello
echo hello2
echo hello3", option);

Assert.True(output == "");

var sbStr = sb.ToString();
Assert.Contains("hello", sbStr);
Assert.Contains("hello2", sbStr);
Assert.Contains("hello3", sbStr);
