
Introduction to data visualization with R

MIT LicenseMIT

"Quick data vis"


This is a 8-part quick course in data visualization using R.

Graphical Abstract

Graphical Abstract

Browse lessons using an internet browser

  1. Navigate to Quick_data_vis/Lessons/
  2. Click on any .md files
  3. GitHub will render a nice html


This repository has 8 activities:

  1. Very bascis of R coding
  2. Introduction to tidy data frames
  3. Introduction to data visualization using ggplot
  4. Introduction to mean separation
  5. Introduction to proportional data
  6. Introduction to heatmaps
  7. Introduction to relationship data and networks
  8. Introduction to plot composition/assembly

Required software:

Getting started

  1. Clone the repository to your machine by downloading the zip file.
  2. Unzip and move folder to whichever location you like on your machine.
  3. Open RStudio.
  4. Open .Rmd files under the Scripts folder.
  5. Enjoy!