
Scratch-engine is a simple and pure Javascript web component without any other dependencies. It's mainly designed for multi-language websites to change language-related text on browser-side.


On your webpage, use:

<script src='./static/js/scratch.js'></script>

to introduce scratch-engine. Then when you're ready, like the onload event is triggered, just simply use scratch like this:

<body onload="engine.scratch()">

then the page would be rendered as expected. Scratch read the browser language by default, if you want to use multi-language, just make sure you have the corresponding language pack and use engine.scratch(language_name)

Language pack

You should create a json file with the name of the language (in lower cases) as a language pack. The data format is tag_name: text. For example, you have a file named zh-cn.js with content as follows:

  "html_title": "你好,世界",
  "body_content": "文本内容"

And the html file is like this:

    <script src="./scratch.js"></script>
  <body onload="engine.scratch()">

Then the page will be rendered as:

    <script src="./scratch.js"></script>
  <body onload="engine.scratch()">

The language file should be placed at ./lang/language_name.js relative to the path of the HTML file by default, but it's configurable!

Strict mode

If disabled, scratch will use near language packs if the specific language pack is not found. Like 'en-US' for 'en-UK'. Enabled by default. Currently under development.

Motion mode

For multi-language use. Store the original un-rendered page in localStorage so the page can be re-rendered to other languages when needed. Enabled by default.

One-time settings

The scratch function is like:

scratch: function(lang, callback, pattern, mode){
  // Code
  • lang is the name string of the language.
  • callback is a callback function for those front-end frameworks with js render method to re-render DOM components.
  • pattern defines template tag that would be replaced by scratch is a json with following pattern:
    "prefix": "{:",
    "suffix": ":}"
  • mode defines several important settings, formatted as follows. Details are covered in next part:
    "empty": "",
    "strict": true,
    "motion": true,
    "path": "./lang/"

Extra settings

All of the settings can be configured manually by engine.property_name[.child_property_name] = property_value or by:

  • setEmpty(str): motion.empty property defines what to output if no matching value is in language pack, accepts string
  • setStrict(bool): Scratch will use only perfectly match language pack if set to true, accepts Boolean
  • setMotion(bool, bool): The page would be stored before render if the first parameter is set to true. If the second parameter is true, the localStorage data of motion mode will be deleted, could cause bugs. Both accepts Boolean
  • setPath(str): Set the path of the language packs, accepts string
  • setPrefix(str): Set the prefix of template tag, accepts string
  • setSuffix(str): Set the suffix of template tag, accepts string
  • reset(): Restore default settings of scratch-engine