WarCraft Simulation
This is a simplified implementation of the video game WarCraft. The rules of this simulations are specified in rule descriptions. The idea of this game is that two factions produce different types of warriors, the warriors move towards the other side, and combat with each other during the process. There are five types of warriors: dragon, ninja, iceman, lion, and wolf, which can then equipped with three types of weapons: sword, arrow, and bomb. The types of creatures, weapons and fractions gives different features to the combat.
This implementation also serves as a practice for object-oriented programming in C++. It is also one of the project options offered in Program Designing class in Peking University.
Input and output files
In addition to the samples input listed in the rule descriptions, we have a longer input and output, listed in test_input.txt and text_output.txt. Run the program and put the input into the terminal, it will produce the desired output.
Thanks to Mr. Wei Guo for the detailed description of rules, and Sijie Ling for the input and output samples.