You can either read this readme or see the code documentation pdf for a comprehensive installation and file explanation

Steps to create a venv:

  1. In a terminal, go to the folder in which you want to keep your venv
  2. Run python3 -m venv EXVEN
  3. We are using EXVENV as the name of the virtual enviornment; you can use any name you would like
  4. Activate your virtual enviornment by running source EXVENV/bin/activate (or cd into EXVENV/Scripts and run ". activate")
  5. Your computer's name will now be preceded by (EXVENV). You are now inside of the virtual enviornment.
  6. Install dependencies by typing $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  7. To exit the venv, run deactivate
  • To create a new requirements document (does not need to be done except when a new dependency is added) use $ pip3 freeze > requirements.txt

Note: because of large file sizes, the files in the ResNetmodel folder will not be pulled correctly and will each need to manually downloaded.