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Why AWS Lambda

Amazon EC2:

  • Virtual Servers in the Cloud
  • Limited by RAM and CPU
  • Continuously running
  • Scaling means intervention to add/remove servers

Amazon Lambda

  • Virtual functions - no servers to manage
  • Limited by time - short executions
  • Run on-demand
  • Scaling is automated

Benefits of AWS Lambda

  • Easy Pricing
    • Pay per request and computing
  • Integrated with the whole AWS Stack
  • Easy monitoring through AWS CloudWatch
  • Increasing RAM will also improve CPU

AWS Lambda Languages

  • aws-nodejs
  • aws-python
  • aws-java-gradle
  • aws-scala-sbt
  • aws-csharp

AWS Lambda Integrations

  • API Gateway: provide RESTful API
  • Kinesis: real-time streaming data
  • DynamoDB: noSQL database
  • AWS S3: Simple Storage Service
  • AWS IoT Internet of Things
  • CloudWatch Events
  • AWS SNS: Simple Notification Service

e.g. Thumbnail creation

  1. New image in S3
  2. AWS Lambda function creates a thumbnail
  3. New thumbnail in S3
  4. Metadata in DynamoDB

The Serverless Framework

  • Serverless Framework aims to ease the pain of creating, deploying, managing, and debugging lambda functions.\
  • It integrates well with CI/CD tools
  • It has CloudFormation support so your entire stack can be deployed using this Framework

VPC: Virtual Private Clouds

  • We can launch lambda in VPC to access EC2 adn RDS instances.

AWS Lambda Pricing