
Use local optimization and stochastic optimization algorithms for solving Igloo NP-Hard problem.

Primary LanguagePython

CS 170 Project Fall 2021

Take a look at the project spec before you get started!


Python 3.6+


  • parse.py: functions to read/write inputs and outputs
  • solver.py: where you should be writing your code to solve inputs
  • Task.py: contains a class that is useful for processing inputs

When writing inputs/outputs:

  • Make sure you use the functions write_input_file and write_output_file provided
  • Run the functions read_input_file and read_output_file to validate your files before submitting!
  • These are the functions run by the autograder to validate submissions

Algorithm Brainstorms:

  1. Initialize a reasonably good output using Greedy Algorithm, and then use Genetic Algorithm to optimize based on our reasonably good output. (Jerry)
  • loss_funtion(input_tasks, output_tasks) where "input_tasks" is an array of n tasks with all specified attributes and "output_tasks" is the order of tasks we return by the algorithm as an array of n numbers.
  1. Use Greedy to early eliminate some Tasks, then use DP in the remaining Tasks.
  • subfunction: f(time_left, task_left).
  • relation: f(time_left, task_left) = f(time_left - task_i.duration, task_left - task_i) + task_i.discountedProfit
    • i based on the ranking of sorted (profit/duration)
  • 1440 * (2 ** n)
  • 1440 * (2 ** n / k)
  • 1440 * n (submodular -> all tasks before deadlines -> n number machine scheduling problems)
  1. Local swap (Edward)
  • 2/3 OP
  • 3 OP is really good for TSP
  • while True:
    • for set_i in set_3:
      • for comb_i in all_combs (==6):
        • if new_score > curr_score:
          • curr_score = new_score
  1. GRASP
  2. Submodularity


  1. Genetic Algorithm (solver_Genetic.py)
  • Initialize a reasonably good output using Greedy Algorithm, and then use Genetic Algorithm to optimize based on our reasonably good output
  • Takes almost infinite to run
  • total_benefit = NA
  1. Greedy on Sorted Rank of (profit/duration) (solver_sortGA.py)
  • solver_Genetic.py with num_generation = 0
  • Greedy sort by (profit/duration)
  • total_benefit = 2720696.426620777
  1. Greedy Discounted Profit (solver_localGA.py)
  • Greedy sort by profit and take until no more valid
  • total_benfit = 2719729.2186064925
  1. Greedy Discounted Profit with Probability Distribution (solver_GAPD.py)
  • Greedy sort by profit with probability distribution and take until no more valid
  • (1) Linear (n_round=100)
  • total_benfit = 2166796.452501703
  • (2) Softmax (n_round=100)
  • total_benfit = 2660092.022518058
  1. Reduce to ILP (solver_ILP.py)

  2. 2/3 OPT naive (20211129)

  • total_benfit = 3504796.155992973

2/3 OPT Approach:

  • Done:
    1. Naive implementation of 2/3 OPT with 1 to n unchanged initial output
    2. random.shuffle() initial output with n initializations
      • This multiple initialization could potentially turn the local maximum of 2/3 OPT into global maximum
    3. Early abort based on change of fitness() reduces runtime
    4. Initial tasks from sort greedy and local greedy + shuffle
    5. Initial tasks from pickle dictionary + shuffle
    6. Only calculate the fitness of swapped tasks (low priority)

Replicate our algorithm for submission

python3 solver.py
python3 prepare_submission.py outputs/ submission.json

Submit the submission.json and team.txt to Gradescope