Primary LanguageC++


This repository provides the latest C++ implementation of the L-shaped framework and the improvements that we used to write "Integrated Backup Rolling Stock Allocation and Timetable Rescheduling with Uncertain Time-Variant Passenger Demand Under Disruptive Events". Some sets of data samples are provided. The exact version as used while writing the manuscript can be found as an online supplement to the publication (doi to be appear).

Now we are developing an improved version for solving two-stage stochastic integer programming models. The code and new benchmarks will be available soon after we debugging the project.

If you have any questions, comments, and/or suggestions, please do not hesistate to contact us via jtyin@bjtu.edu.cn and lxyang@bjtu.edu.cn. If you found our code useful, then you can cite the work as follows:

Yin J., Yang L., D'Ariano A., Tang T., Gao Z. Integrated Backup Rolling Stock Allocation and Timetable Rescheduling with Uncertain Time-Variant Passenger Demand Under Disruptive Events.

For further details we refer to our Github wiki page: https://github.com/JerryYINJIATENG/TARP