
There are two main folders in this directory: cctlib-master and cctlib-no_crt. cctlib-master is the default Zerospy tool directory and cctlib-no_crt is a flatten calling context version of Zerospy, which can save memory for those programs with very deep calling contexts. You should always use Zerospy in cctlib-master, except for failures reported for too deep calling contexts.

Execution Environment

The execution environment is obtained by the script in SC Author-kit and the screen output is listed in execution-environment.txt.


The build process of these two directory is same. For cctlib-master, the building script is listed below:

$ tar xvzf pin-2.14-71313-gcc4.4.7-linux.tar.gz
$ export PIN_ROOT=`pwd`/pin-2.14-71313-gcc.4.4.7-linux
$ cd cctlib-master
$ ./

For cctlib-no_crt, the building script is listed below:

$ tar xvzf pin-3.7-97619-g0d0c92f4f-linux.tar.gz
$ export PIN_ROOT=`pwd`/pin-3.7-97619-g0d0c92f4f-gcc-linux
$ cd cctlib-no_crt
$ ./

The compiled Zerospy tool is in cctlib-master/clients/obj-xxx/ (and cctlib-master/clients/obj-xxx/ for data centric analysis)


To profile a program with Zerospy, run the program as follows:

$ # For cctlib-master (default) version, PIN_ROOT is path to pin-2.14, CCTLIB_ROOT is path to cctlib-master
$ # For cctlib-no_crt (Flatten Calling Context) version, PIN_ROOT is path to pin-3.7, CCTLIB_ROOT is path to cctlib-no_crt
$ $PIN_ROOT/ -ifeellucky -t $CCTLIB_ROOT/clients/obj-xxx/ -- $EXE # code centric analysis
$ $PIN_ROOT/ -ifeellucky -t $CCTLIB_ROOT/clients/obj-xxx/ -- $EXE # data centric analysis