
Discussion leader assignment for Comp 517

Discussion leader assignment for Comp 417/517

In this assignment you will lead discussions and be responsible for the following three elements:

  1. Fill out paper review form
  2. Short presentation highlighting key moves and contributions of the paper
  3. Facilitating discussion.

Review Form (25%)

Fill out and commit by midnight the night before:

Standard Review Form

Note for most of these sections, concision is preferred. Provide 1-2 sentences if possible, of course go over if you need.

Presentation (25%)

The goal of leading the presentation is to format your understanding of the paper from the perspective of a critical reader. It is more an exercise to capture that you've extracted the critical elements from the paper, as well as a quick refresher to the class.

The following slides are expected:

  1. Title Page
  2. Problem and Motivation
  3. Why isn't it solved?
  4. The key hypothesis of this paper?
  5. The methods used to achieve it (how)?
  6. The evaluation results
  7. Key takeaways

The presentation should take between 5-12 minutes.

Discussion Leading (%25)

Develop 5-7 questions after reviewing the online discussion and lead an initial 15 minute small group and a larger 15 minute discussion.

Discussion Debrief (%25)

Answer the following questions:

  1. What new insights came out of the discussion?
    1. We discussed the flexibility of the PUMP and all other architecture we learned.
    2. We discussed the viability of the PUMP.
  2. Was there disagreement? Why?
  3. What was the consensus about the work?
    1. We think PUMP is a novel framework but not few companies would adopt it due to it lacks portability.