This platform is private, pictures will be shown down below

About The Project

Atlas is a platform for a new club where their members can register and put their details, from social media links to their weekly scheduals.

Atlas platform takes the pain out of syncronizing between members and club's events by

  • Giving each registered member the ability to share some of his contact details.- Being able to create events and reunions where specific members can be invited.

Atlas is accessible via invitations provided by admin members, and provides tools required for organizing events, robust applications.

Difficulties [ solved ]

  • Gathering data in order to make a base system, from relational database to Ui.
  • Image compression with Image intervention
  • Dark mode sessions
  • Integrate google drive api, which took time to find a way to choose it and use it
  • Heroku with gd, and drive api

Planned to add

  • Automatically delete outdated events and reunion .
  • Password reset
  • Email connection
  • Discord api
  • Change datatables.js to other tech

Tech used

Compressing image with Image Intervention.

Storing image to google drive with Flysystem Google Drive

Tables of databases Datatables.js

Framework Laravel

Deployement to Heroko