Data analysis and method development toolbox for dipolar EPR spectroscopy
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Global models
#82 opened by stestoll - 0
Improvement Documentation Suggestions
#98 opened by laenan8466 - 0
Example/tutorials requests
#112 opened by luisfabib - 2
Errors in the documentation
#92 opened by luisfabib - 0
Design issues in DeerLab
#100 opened by luisfabib - 1
Link to documentation in not working
#114 opened by laenan8466 - 6
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Built-in models information interface
#102 opened by luisfabib - 2
Parse CI-fit to fitsignal
#95 opened by laenan8466 - 3
New options system is a performance bottleneck
#111 opened by luisfabib - 1
- 0
backgroundstart: options parsed not matching docs
#109 opened by luisfabib - 1
RegOp is not passed to selregparam
#105 opened by spribitzer - 4
Not 100% intuitive behavior with `dd_gaussX`
#101 opened by spribitzer - 2
Experiment models depend on t
#84 opened by stestoll - 0
correctzerotime: remove third input
#106 opened by stestoll - 1
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fitsignal does not accept global weights
#104 opened by luisfabib - 0
Minor unused code in `dd_wormgauss.m`
#103 opened by laenan8466 - 3
Design of a new confidence intervals interface
#90 opened by luisfabib - 12
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Release GHA crashes for webpage build
#96 opened by luisfabib - 5
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correctphase should handle 2D datasets
#86 opened by stestoll - 0
tutorials must be updated
#67 opened by luisfabib - 2
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fitsignal CI evaluation's considerable slowdown
#80 opened by luisfabib - 0
fitsignal cannot do global fits
#79 opened by luisfabib - 2
Function to estimate noise level
#66 opened by stestoll - 4
Start experiment models with ex_
#77 opened by stestoll - 0
Improve caching of kernel matrix
#81 opened by stestoll - 0
bg_strexp: change to stretch factor
#76 opened by stestoll - 1
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nlsqbnd solver does not work on Mac and Linux
#74 opened by stestoll - 0
selregparam: remove 'golden'
#72 opened by stestoll - 0
selregparam: can r input be eliminated
#71 opened by stestoll - 0
fitparamodel: remove ObjFun option
#75 opened by stestoll - 0
documentation for bootan missing
#68 opened by luisfabib - 1
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Fitting background-only data
#65 opened by stestoll - 1
selregparam does not return correct alphas
#63 opened by luisfabib - 1
Implement excluded-volume background model
#64 opened by stestoll