
A bot made for the game Ark of War

Primary LanguageC#


A Discord bot made for the game Ark of War.

In the game Ark of war a guild often has a bank. the bank is a users Ark that stores resources of other guild members. This Discord bot can help the Banker make visible what resources a guild member has.


!help displays this information:

  1. !add or !add @user Required command to add yourself or @user to the bank bot.
  2. !info or !info @user Displays name,startdate and exemption from user that issued the command or user @
  3. !total or !total @user Displays total banked in personal
  4. !tracker or !tracker @user Displays total banked to guild
  5. !rename name Rename yourself in the bank bot, BEWARE IF NOT ASKED BY BANKER YOU MAY NOT SEE TOTALS
  6. !gear Calculate gear stats, issue the command to find how it works


  • Google Sheet
  • Mariadb Database
  • Discord