The idea of VAST is to provide all the resources you need to ML and RL running on your robotic projects. Each master folder contains a robot prototype. These folder contain setup intrucstions, wiring details, code examples, results and more.
Visualization tool I create to help visualize how the weights and biases of NN change during training.
- add folder with all Qlearning and DQN files and documentation once verified and completed, highlight plots, images and video results here
- add folder with all Qlearning and DQN files and documentation once verified and completed, highlight plots, images and video results here
- add folder containing all files and documentation for developing an Intellegent Locomotion Controller which uses
- Qlearning to devleop low level control polcies which are then saved and used by a highlevel DQN network as actions
- in order to naviage to difference global coordinates highlight plots, images and video results here
- add kivy documetation and files for creating a monioritng and deployment app
- code details and setup for using ROS and online development studio