
a catalogue of source code for a daily code practice

Primary LanguageProcessing


a catalogue of source code for a daily code practice output can be seen at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/daysofwarandnightsoflove

From the Intro Post:

This blog is dedicated to a daily practice - a practice of computational aesthetics.

My practice - both artistic and professional - used to lie in the creative coding domain, but the former has atrophied and the latter had rigidified… This is an attempt to kickstart  and reinvigorate a sense of fun, playfulness, and experimentation again…

I will be using Processing (https://processing.org/) which was the first Language / API / IDE that I seriously used, but no longer do on a day to day basis.

A lot of my current software development career relies on architecture, design patterns, safety practices, etc., and I feel that it will be refreshing to explore the idea of a sketchbook again…