
Project from 42 school

Primary LanguageC

so_long (Project from 42 school)

Grade: 125/100

"It Sucks"

A simple 2D game where a vacuum collects dust while avoiding the cat. Once all dust is collected, it should return to its charging station to finish the game.


1º - Clone the repository

git clone git@github.com:LeRandomJess/so_long.git

2º - Enter the project folder so_long or so_long_bonus and run make

Important: To run the program, you need to download the MiniLibX, name it "mlx" and place the folder inside the project folder.

cd so_long or cd so_long_bonus

3º - Run the game with a map of your choice

./so_long /maps/[map.ber]
./so_long_bonus /maps/[map_bonus.ber]


make - Compile so_long files.

make all - Compile so_long files.

make clean - Delete all .o (object files) files.

make fclean - Delete all .o (object files) and .a (executable) files.

make re - Use rules fclean + all.